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  • A Bethany volunteer

Be the light in someone’s day

Bethany is very for­tu­nate for the sup­port they receive from Ripon and the sur­round­ing Cen­tral Val­ley area. Our res­i­dents, and staff, are grate­ful for the gen­eros­i­ty of time they receive from vol­un­teers. The beau­ty it adds to resident’s lives is immeasurable.

There are a num­ber of ways to vol­un­teer at Bethany:

  • Enter­tain­ment – singing, play­ing a musi­cal instru­ment, read­ing aloud, build­ing puz­zles, recit­ing poet­ry, play­ing board and card games, and lis­ten­ing to stories.
  • Assist­ing with events
  • Dri­ving the city van
  • Assist­ing res­i­dents with dai­ly activities
  • Gar­den­ing

If you have an inter­est to vol­un­teer at Bethany, please fill out an appli­ca­tion. An appli­ca­tion can be obtained at the front desk or down­loaded below. All vol­un­teers must be six­teen years of age or older.

If you have any ques­tions, please con­tact Joan Brussee, Social Ser­vices Direc­tor via phone at 209−253−5123 or email at jbrussee@​bethanyripon.​org.
