Introducing The Terraces at Bethany, unique residential living in the heart of Ripon. Learn More

  • Resident reading to her grandson.

Get ready for resort-style living

Wel­come to Bethany’s newest neigh­bor­hood option, res­i­den­tial liv­ing. An all-inclu­sive lifestyle where the ameni­ties you need are right in your neigh­bor­hood, kind of like being on vaca­tion. And, with a cen­tral loca­tion in the heart of Ripon and Bethany, all of the addi­tion­al ser­vices we offer are right out­side your door.

Choose from a num­ber of love­ly open floor plan options rang­ing from stu­dios to two-bed­room apart­ments that you can per­son­al­ize to feel like home. Enjoy mul­ti­ple din­ing venues, com­mu­ni­ty spaces, and beau­ti­ful open gar­den areas all with­in your build­ing. Plus, new friends and expe­ri­ences at every turn.
