Introducing The Terraces at Bethany, unique residential living in the heart of Ripon. Learn More

  • Bethany residents playing guitar and singing

A lifestyle that’s easy to get used to

When you’re liv­ing at Bethany, all the resources, activ­i­ties, and ameni­ties you need are right next door – most impor­tant­ly the sup­port pro­vid­ed by our ded­i­cat­ed staff. Mul­ti­ple enter­tain­ment, social gath­er­ing spaces, and work­out areas are spread through­out our cam­pus. And with our close con­nec­tion to the beau­ti­ful City of Ripon, a ful­fill­ing lifestyle is just beyond your front steps.

We real­ly are next door to everything

Warm, walk­a­ble, and beau­ti­ful. Those are just three ways of many to describe Bethany’s cam­pus. What makes our com­mu­ni­ty so spe­cial is its unique lay­out with­in the City of Ripon. From gro­cery stores, to health ser­vices, every­thing you need is right next door.

Bethany Campus Map JAN24

Our res­i­dents’ well-being comes first

Group connect4

Resident’s health and well­ness are Bethany’s top pri­or­i­ty. We’ve fos­tered a tight knit Chris­t­ian com­mu­ni­ty where res­i­dents can enjoy a healthy and bal­anced lifestyle through our com­mu­ni­ty spaces, group activ­i­ties, and con­nec­tion with the City of Ripon. With a knowl­edge­able and ded­i­cat­ed team of care­givers, nurs­es, doc­tors, phys­i­cal, occu­pa­tion­al and speech ther­a­pists avail­able when need­ed, res­i­dents can be con­fi­dent in their health, safe­ty, and well-being.

Make past time pleas­antries part of your every­day life

Bethany has an abun­dance of activ­i­ties, ameni­ties, and ser­vices avail­able for res­i­dents. Redis­cov­er a hob­by, or start a new one. Enjoy swim­ming in the fit­ness cen­ter. Or start a plot in our gar­den­ing space. Our staff makes life a lit­tle eas­i­er, so you can con­tin­ue enjoy­ing a lifestyle you love.

  • Mul­ti­ple din­ing areas
  • Arts and craft room
  • Fire­side room
  • Fit­ness center/​Exercise room/​Exercise stations 
  • Laun­dry areas
  • Car­ports (for some neighborhoods)
  • Gar­den­ing space
  • Cov­ered patios
  • Chapel
  • For­mal sit­ting room
  • Bil­liard room
  • Library
  • Social hall
  • Indoor swim­ming pool