Introducing The Terraces at Bethany, unique residential living in the heart of Ripon. Learn More

  • Residents relaxing on the patio

Neigh­bor­hood liv­ing, built around you.

Bethany offers four unique inde­pen­dent liv­ing neigh­bor­hoods from com­fort­able one-bed­room apart­ments to spa­cious two-bed­room cot­tage homes with attached garages, designed to com­ple­ment your lifestyle and needs. Woven through­out our cam­pus and the City of Ripon, res­i­dents have easy access to all of our ameni­ties and the abil­i­ty to explore our beau­ti­ful com­mu­ni­ty. Meet new friends and neigh­bors in our social spaces, enjoy a meal in one of our din­ing venues, or stroll along Main Street to the hum of fam­i­ly activ­i­ty. At Bethany, a vibrant lifestyle is just a step out­side your door. 

Includ­ed in month­ly rent:

  • Apart­ment /​cot­tage maintenance
  • Land­scap­ing and lawn care
  • Water, sew­er, garbage
  • TV hook-up on some cam­pus­es – please inquire
  • Exer­cise pro­grams and class­es / access to activ­i­ty rooms /​indoor pool

Addi­tion­al services/​resident responsibilities:

  • Gas and elec­tric (Addi­tion­al fee)
  • Three meals a day (Addi­tion­al fee)
  • Emer­gency response sys­tem (Addi­tion­al fee)
  • Podi­a­trist (Addi­tion­al fee)
  • Hair salons (Addi­tion­al fee)
  • Phys­i­cal ther­a­pist (Addi­tion­al fee)

Require­ments for inde­pen­dent living:

  • Seniors (62+) who are phys­i­cal­ly and men­tal­ly able to care for them­selves inde­pen­dent­ly or with lim­it­ed sup­port­ive services.
  • A staff evaluation/​assessment or med­ical assessment/​documents may be required to deter­mine the capa­bil­i­ty of inde­pen­dent living
  • A refund­able hold­ing deposit of $500 is required upon com­mit­ment of an apart­ment which becomes the secu­ri­ty deposit upon occu­pan­cy of the apartment.
  • Small pets are per­mit­ted fol­low­ing a com­plet­ed eval­u­a­tion, admin­is­tra­tor con­sent, signed pol­i­cy agree­ment and a $500 one-time, non-refund­able fee.
  • Rents are payable in advance on the first of each month.

Fees & Availability

Brochures, pack­ets with appli­ca­tions, and fee sched­ules are avail­able by con­tact­ing the Inde­pen­dent Liv­ing Office. Avail­abil­i­ty is deter­mined by the wait­ing lists for all the apartments.

Four unique neigh­bor­hoods designed to fit your lifestyle and needs
