Introducing The Terraces at Bethany, unique residential living in the heart of Ripon. Learn More

  • Architect's rendering of The Terraces at Bethany

The Cen­tral Val­ley’s pre­mier senior liv­ing com­mu­ni­ty is growing

A new and unique oppor­tu­ni­ty awaits those 62 plus at Bethany’s expand­ing retire­ment com­mu­ni­ty in Ripon, Cal­i­for­nia. Enjoy brand new vil­lage-style res­i­den­tial liv­ing with mod­ern, open floor plans rang­ing from stu­dios to two-bed­room homes. And of course, all the ameni­ties you’ll need just out­side your door.

Tak­ing a step forward

Click to watch our construction progress live!

At Bethany, it’s impor­tant to look at our past suc­cess­es and look ahead at our joy­ous future. We’re proud and com­mit­ted to our mis­sion of cre­at­ing a Christ-cen­tered com­mu­ni­ty, enhanc­ing the aging expe­ri­ence for seniors who live in and around the Cen­tral Val­ley area. 

Bethany has con­tin­ued to grow phys­i­cal­ly and spir­i­tu­al­ly over the years. Many new faces joined our cam­pus, strength­en­ing our faith and sense of com­mu­ni­ty. And most excit­ing, our newest neigh­bor­hood, The Ter­races, broke ground. A state-of-the-art res­i­den­tial build­ing in the heart of our com­mu­ni­ty. With mul­ti­ple din­ing venues, fit­ness and activ­i­ty areas, large gath­er­ing spaces, and mod­ern apart­ment homes, we’re eager to bring this com­mu­ni­ty to life and for res­i­dents to expe­ri­ence the pos­i­tiv­i­ty it will create.

Curi­ous to see the progress on The Ter­races at Bethany?

Watch it LIVE!
Terraces virtual tour
Click to take a virtual tour of The Terraces at Bethany

Our grow­ing community

Be the first to expe­ri­ence life in The Ter­races, brim­ming with char­ac­ter right in the mid­dle of the city of Ripon. Pic­ture your­self liv­ing in a mod­ern apart­ment, com­plete with high-end fin­ish­es and an open lay­out you can dec­o­rate to make your own. Plus, you’re nev­er far from the ample ser­vices we offer.

Virtual Tour
  • A Closer Look
    • Eighty-two stu­dio to two-bed­room apart­ments rang­ing from 475 to 1,300 square feet with cus­tomiz­able col­or palettes
    • Eat in kitchen with full appli­ance package
    • Washer/​dryer
    • Heating/​cooling controls
    • Walk-in clos­ets
    • Bal­cony over­look­ing the cozy com­mu­ni­ty of Ripon
    • Main­te­nance-free with all util­i­ties included
    • 24-hour onsite attendant 
    • Access to our full con­tin­u­um of care and care packages
Terraces common area

Our vibrant lifestyle

Min­gle with neigh­bors in a spec­tac­u­lar array of shared com­mu­ni­ty spaces. Walk­ways con­nect your apart­ment to 25,000 sq. ft. of com­mon areas filled with oppor­tu­ni­ties of new expe­ri­ences and friends. Enjoy top-notch din­ing in mul­ti­ple on-cam­pus venues or take a pleas­ant stroll along Main Street where you’re greet­ed by small town charm and an abun­dance of shops at your fingertips.

Stu­dios start­ing at $3,030

  • Amenities/Services

    Along with the many ameni­ties and ser­vices Bethany offers, Ter­race res­i­dents ben­e­fit from hav­ing these on-site:

    • For­mal Din­ing Room 
    • All Day Café & Bistro
    • Piz­za Oven
    • Library
    • Fit­ness Center
    • Media Room
    • Art & Craft Room 
    • Large Meet­ing & Event Hall
    • Land­scaped Gar­dens & Courtyards
    • Boc­ce Ball Court
    • Dog Run

Pre­dictabil­i­ty. Secu­ri­ty. Peace of mind.

As a Mul­ti-Lev­el Retire­ment Com­mu­ni­ty (MLRC), Bethany gives you the free­dom to live a life of your choos­ing today. Our Res­i­den­tial Care Facil­i­ty for Elder­ly (RCFE) license allows res­i­dents to age in place with con­fi­dence, know­ing they have a plan for the what ifs” of tomor­row and the sup­port of our ded­i­cat­ed staff.

Bethany’s con­tin­u­um of care gives res­i­dents the com­fort of know­ing that high-qual­i­ty health ser­vice pack­ages are avail­able should they need them. With options for assist­ed liv­ing, mem­o­ry care, reha­bil­i­ta­tion, and skilled nurs­ing, our staff is read­i­ly equipped to help all res­i­dents through the aging process.

At The Ter­races, res­i­dents have the added ben­e­fit of receiv­ing home care pack­ages if they need assis­tance with their dai­ly needs. These con­sist of ser­vices such as med­ica­tion man­age­ment and dress­ing assistance.

Couple dog background

Join us!

Learn about the progress being made on The Ter­races and find out what to expect when reserv­ing your new home.

If you are look­ing to move in the near future, here’s an incred­i­ble oppor­tu­ni­ty to find your new favorite home and start plan­ning for an active, reward­ing life in Bethany’s expand­ing community.

Sign up below to see project updates, be the first to view floor plans, par­tic­i­pate in focus groups, and receive invi­ta­tions to exclu­sive events. Ear­ly mem­bers are offered the best avail­abil­i­ty and home pref­er­ence. There is noth­ing to lose (except a lit­tle sleep due to the excitement).

Lori van duyn

Lori Van Duyn
Admin­is­tra­tor, Inde­pen­dent Liv­ing
