Introducing The Terraces at Bethany, unique residential living in the heart of Ripon. Learn More

  • A Bethany resident gardening outside her home
  • Bethany residents enjoying a stroll through the neighborhood
  • Flowers growing along a white Pickett fence at Bethany

A home to match your needs, what­ev­er they may be.

Bethany offers a wide range of liv­ing options for our res­i­dents. Each neigh­bor­hood pro­vides their own unique expe­ri­ence and ser­vices depend­ing on your needs. Whether you’re look­ing for a cozy inde­pen­dent liv­ing apart­ment or require atten­tive phys­i­cal and med­ical care, Bethany has a home for you. Plus, as a Mul­ti-Lev­el Retire­ment Com­mu­ni­ty, you receive top pri­or­i­ty of entrance when mov­ing to a high­er care neighborhood.
