Introducing The Terraces at Bethany, unique residential living in the heart of Ripon. Learn More

Terraces breakfast mailer web

Break­fast with Bethany and get a fresh per­spec­tive on senior living

Join us for break­fast with Bethany senior liv­ing and get the inside scoop on our new res­i­den­tial liv­ing expan­sion – The Terraces. 

Break­fast with Bethany, June 6

Thursday, June 6, 2024 • 10:00 am

Location: Spring Creek Golf & Country Club - 1580 Spring Creek Drive, Ripon, CA

Come and learn about our beau­ti­ful neigh­bor­hood and its ameni­ties, spa­cious apart­ments, and health ser­vice pack­ages.

Get in on the ground floor of The Ter­races, right in the heart of Ripon, sur­round­ed by friend­ly neigh­bors, fam­i­lies, and all our com­mu­ni­ty has to offer. Live next door to every­thing. Age in place with con­fi­dence and help shape the future of your retire­ment com­mu­ni­ty. We hope to see you.

This event is fill­ing fast, please call 209−645−3691 to RSVP

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